var isAppExpired = true; //This app is expired and cant var housepartyactive = 0; var endImageThumb = ''; var endImgLoaded = 0; var bgImagesRec = 0; var bgImagesArr = []; var runningProgress = 0; var resumeAt = 0; var topCreateContainer; var oldDataUrl; var api = null; var copyVideo = true; var playingVideoElement; var videoAsset = { maskShowing: false }; var env = "-d"; var hasLowRes = true; var setAutoPlay = false; var getVideoList = {}; var headImages = []; var isFullScreen = false; var transYMouth = []; var isVideocompleted = 0; var socialImage = ""; var IsPlayeInterrupted = 0; var IsPlayerAI = 0; var arrJsonVideoGlobal = ""; var selectedAIOptionJs = 0; var innerAIOptionJs = 0; var styleAIData = []; var arrayAIData = {}; var setNewVideo = []; var checkNewVideo = 1; videoAsset = { 'hatImages': '', 'headImages': '', 'noOfHeads': '', 'greetings': '', 'headScale': '', 'scale': 2, "mouthTransY": '', 'trackingXML': '', 'videoId': '', 'videoIndex': '', 'videoURL': '', 'videoURLHighRes': '', 'videoURLLowRes': "", 'bgImages': [] } function getHeadImages(res, greeting, mouthPoints) { console.log('22222222'); headImages = []; transYMouth = []; var headImg =; if (headImg.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < headImg.length; i++) { var imgUrl = headImg[i]['url']; headImages.push(imgUrl); transYMouth.push(40); } } //InitAndSpeedDetect(function (res) { // console.log('changeVideo Video1',videoNumber) changeVideoAIStyle(videoNumber,selectedAIOptionJs,0,1); //}); setNoOfHeads(headImg.length); videoAsset.mouthTransY = mouthPoints; if (api != null) { api.closeVideo(); updateGreeting(greeting); } var scrollTo = document.querySelector('.video-list-main'); if(scrollTo !== null){ scrollTo.scrollTop = 0; } var countPositionVideo = 0; var scrollInt = setInterval(function(){ if(countPositionVideo > 10){ clearInterval(scrollInt); } var positionVideo = $(".video-list[list-index='" + videoNumber + "']").position(); $('.video-list').removeClass('videodance-activeclass'); $(".video-list[list-index='" + videoNumber + "']").addClass('videodance-activeclass'); if (positionVideo && positionVideo !== undefined) { clearInterval(scrollInt); if ( < 0) { = * -1 } scrollTo.scrollTop = - 440; } countPositionVideo++; },500) } function elf_insertVideoPlayerHtml() { //var cWidth = $("#background-video-section").width(); var cWidth = $(".background-video-section").width(); var cHeight = cWidth / 1.78; var vidMainH = cHeight + 7; $('.preview-overlay').css({ 'height': cHeight, 'width': cWidth, 'margin': '3px', 'border-radius': '6px' }) $("#video-frame").css({ "border": "3px solid white", "height": vidMainH, "background-color": '#000', 'width': cWidth + 6, "padding": "0" }); $(".video-content.inner-main-div").css({ "height": vidMainH }); var insertVidhtml = '\n\
\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\
\n\ \n\ \n\
\n\ \n\
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\n\\n\' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\\n\
'); }else{ if (title == "House Party") { listArr.push('
\n\\n\' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\\n\Supports Bakground Photos\n\
'); }else{ listArr.push('
\n\\n\' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\\n\
'); } } if (title == "House Party") { listingHtml += '
\n\ \n\ ' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\ \n\
'; fullListing.push('
\n\ \n\ ' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\ \n\
'); }else{ listingHtml += '
\n\ \n\ ' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\ \n\
'; fullListing.push('
\n\ \n\ ' + newImage + aiImage + '\n\ \n\
'); } count++; } } } // listArr.unshift(firstVideo); var videoTitlesSorted = [].concat(videoTitles); var videoFrontTitlesSorted = [].concat(videoFrontTitles); videoTitlesSorted.sort(); videoFrontTitlesSorted.sort(); console.log('videoFrontTitlesSorted',videoFrontTitlesSorted) console.log('videoTitles',videoTitles) console.log('listArr',listArr) for(var q=0;q < videoFrontTitlesSorted.length; q++){ var posn = videoFrontTitles.indexOf(videoFrontTitlesSorted[q]); console.log('posn',posn) fullFrontListingFinal.push(listArr[posn]) } console.log('fullFrontListingFinal',fullFrontListingFinal) shuffleArray(listArr, function (res) { var mid = parseInt(res.length/2); var ranMid = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(3)); ranMid--; mid += ranMid; //res.unshift(firstVideo) res.splice(mid,0,firstVideo) listingHtml = res.join(""); }) for(var q=0;q < videoTitlesSorted.length; q++){ var posn = videoTitles.indexOf(videoTitlesSorted[q]); fullListingFinal.push(fullListing[posn]) } fullFrontListingFinal = fullFrontListingFinal.join("") fullFrontListingFinal = NewVideoslistArr.concat(fullFrontListingFinal) fullListingFinal = fullListingFinal.join("") var fullList = '
' + fullListingFinal + '
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Please select again.") $('.uploadImg').val(''); } else { var continueFiles = true for (var k = 0; k < this.files.length; k++) { var filed = this.files[k]; var FileName =; var FileExt = FileName.substr(FileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if ((FileExt.toUpperCase() === "JPG") || (FileExt.toUpperCase() === "PNG") || (FileExt .toUpperCase() === "JPEG")) { // continueFiles = true; } else { continueFiles = false } } if (continueFiles) { bgImagesRec = 0; var reader; videoAsset.bgImages = []; bgImagesArr = []; //localStorage.setItem('bgImages', '') var that = this; var imgArr = []; var files = ""; var params = { "action": "multiple", "resize": 1, } var imgs = []; $('.add-photo').hide(); $('#holdOnSec').hide(); if(document.getElementById('VideoDiv') !== null) { document.getElementById("VideoDiv").style.display = 'none'; } isVideocompleted = 0; $('.download-photo').css('display', 'none'); if(document.getElementById('video-loading') !== null && document.getElementById('video-frame') !== null) { document.getElementById("video-frame").style.backgroundColor = '#000'; 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videoAsset.bgImages = imgs $('.add-photo').hide(); $('#holdOnSec').hide(); $('.video-list').removeClass('videodance-activeclass'); var listIndex = $('.video-list.houseparty').attr("list-index"); setVideoObj(listIndex); $('.video-list.houseparty').addClass('videodance-activeclass'); elf_imagesForVideo(params, function callback(res) { var bgILS = []; // background images for localstorage $.each(res, (i, val) => { if (val.success) { bgILS.push(val.url); if (i + 1 == res.length) { videoAsset.bgImages = bgILS; bgImagesArr = bgILS; bgImagesRec = 1; //localStorage.setItem('bgImages', JSON.stringify(videoAsset.bgImages)) } } }) }) } }, 100); } else { var error = "Please make sure your files are images."; alert(error); } } } }); $(".single-section-inline img").unbind('click'); $(document).on("click",'.single-section-inline img', function () { document.getElementById('enableAIStyleModal').style.display = "none"; var getListId = parseInt($('.videodance-activeclass').attr('list-index')); if( selectedAIOptionJs == $(this).attr('data-style') ){ var setVideoPlayA = 0; 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// }else if( selectedAIOptionJs == 'robots' ){ // styleAIKey = 2; // }else if( selectedAIOptionJs == 'neon' ){ // styleAIKey = 3; // } // console.log('getListId',getListId); // console.log('styleAIKey',styleAIKey); changeVideoAIStyle(getListId,styleAIKey,1); $('.selected-elf-img').remove(); var html_append_style = ''; var p_tag = $(this).parents('.single-section-inline').find('p').html(); p_tag = p_tag.substring(0, 13); // Get the first 13 characters $(this).parents('.single-section-inline').append(html_append_style); $('.ai-inner-image .inner-btn-text .inner-section-img').attr('src',$(this).parents('.single-section-inline').find('img').attr('src')); $('.ai-inner-image .inner-btn-text p').html(p_tag); // changeVideoAIStyle(getListId,0); // callback("success"); } }); $(".uploadImages").unbind('click'); $('.uploadImages').on('click', () => { $('#holdOnSec').show(); $('.elf_saveImages').show(); videoClickingEvent(); }) $(".openFiles").unbind('click'); $('.openFiles').on('click', () => { $('.uploadImg').click(); }) $(".danceBtnEffect .noImages").unbind('click'); $('.danceBtnEffect .noImages').on('click', () => { $('.add-photo').hide(); $('.video-list').removeClass('videodance-activeclass'); //$('.video-list img').removeAttr("style"); bgImagesRec = 1; var listIndex = $('.video-list.houseparty').attr("list-index"); setVideoObj(listIndex); $('.video-list.houseparty').addClass('videodance-activeclass'); }) $('.video-list').unbind("click"); $('.video-list').on("click", function () { var getAICheck = $(this).attr('list-ai'); IsPlayerAI = parseInt(getAICheck) selectedAIOptionJs = 0; if ($(this).hasClass('houseparty')) { if (api != null) { api.closeVideo(); } housepartyactive = 1; if(document.getElementById('video-loading') !== null) { document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display = "none"; } $('#sharepopeventstop,#downloadPopEventstop,#getnftModal,#elfai-logo-main').addClass('sharingdisable'); isVideocompleted = 0; if (videoAsset.bgImages.length == 0) { $('.add-photo').show(); $('.download-photo').css('display', 'none') if (api != null) { api.closeVideo(); 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$('.add-photo').hide(); $('.list-image').removeClass('videodance-activeclass'); //$('.list-image img').removeAttr("style"); var listIndex = $(this).attr("list-index"); setVideoObj(listIndex); //$(this).find("img").css("border-color", "#fff"); $(this).addClass('videodance-activeclass'); $('#background-video-full-list').removeClass('slider-expand'); $('#background-video-full-list').css('overflow', 'hidden'); var positionVideo = $(".video-list[list-index='" + listIndex + "']").position(); $('.video-list').removeClass('videodance-activeclass'); $(".video-list[list-index='" + listIndex + "']").addClass('videodance-activeclass'); if ( < 0) { = * -1 } scrollTo.scrollTop = - 300; } }); $('#progressBar').unbind("click"); $('#progressBar').on("click", function (e) { var barW = $(this).width(); var persentage = e.originalEvent.offsetX * 100 / barW; var forwardVideo = api.videoElement.duration * persentage / 100; if (forwardVideo < 1) { forwardVideo++; } goToByTime(forwardVideo); if(document.getElementById('timeBar') !== null) { document.getElementById("timeBar").style.width = persentage + "%"; } if (!playingVideoElement.paused) {; if(document.getElementById('pauseOrPlay') !== null && document.getElementById("playOrPause") !== null) { document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("playOrPause").style.display = "block"; } } }); $('#logo_image').unbind("click"); $('#logo_image').on("click", function (e) { if (api != null) { api.closeVideo(); } }); var isOnMouse = 1; var setIn = ''; $('#VideoDiv').unbind("mousemove"); $("#VideoDiv").on("mousemove", function (e) { if (setIn != "") { clearInterval(setIn); } $("#buttonDiv").show(); setIn = setInterval(function () { isOnMouse = 0; $("#buttonDiv").fadeOut(1000); clearInterval(setIn); }, 3000); }).mouseleave(function () { $("#buttonDiv").fadeOut("slow"); }); var cWidth = $("#video-frame").width(); var controlW = cWidth * 60 / 100; var marginLeftRight = cWidth * 20 / 100; // $("#buttonDiv").css({ "width": controlW, "margin-left": marginLeftRight, "margin-right": marginLeftRight }); } function setVideoObj(videoId) { isVideocompleted = 0; $('#VideoDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('.download-photo').css('display', 'none'); $('#sharepopeventstop,#downloadPopEventstop,#getnftModal,#elfai-logo-main').addClass('sharingdisable'); if (document.getElementById("video-frame")) document.getElementById("video-frame").style.backgroundColor = '#000'; if (document.getElementById("video-loading")) document.getElementById("video-loading").style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; if (document.getElementById("video-frame")) document.getElementById("video-frame").style.display = 'table'; if (document.getElementById("video-loading")) document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display = 'table-cell'; // console.log('changeVideo Video2',videoNumber) videoNumber = videoId; changeVideoAIStyle(videoId,0); } function readyToPlayCallback() { //sdocument.getElementById("buttonDiv").style.display="block"; //pauseOrPlay(); } function startVideo() { if (api != null && IsPlayeInterrupted == 0) { hasLowRes = false; var filterString = (videoAsset.videoId == 5) ? "charleston" : null; videoAsset.videoURL = hasLowRes ? videoAsset.videoURLLowRes : videoAsset.videoURLHighRes; api.loadVideoURL( videoAsset.videoURL, function (videoElement) { // needs to be on gui thread on mobile? api.loadTrackingData( videoAsset.trackingXML, //"House_Party_5h_2Ddata.xml", function () { //todo - loading of heads, hats, background, greeting text, offsets and scale, will go in here playingVideoElement = videoElement; api.useOnscreenTimeCode(32); //mouthImage = videoAsset.videoId == 7 ? ["http://host"+ env +""] : null; mouthImage = videoAsset.videoId == 7 ? ["//host" + env + "" ] : null; fineTuneHeads(); api.setImageUrls( //load heads "head", //["images/head-1.png","images/head-2.png","images/head-3.png","images/head-4.png","images/head-5.png"], videoAsset.headImages, function () { videoAssetBgImages = videoAsset.videoId == 14 ? videoAsset.bgImages : []; api.setImageUrls( //load backgrounds "image", //["images/background-1.png","images/background-2.png","images/background-1.png","images/background-2.png","images/background-1.png","images/background-2.png"], videoAssetBgImages, function () { api.setImageUrls( //load hats "hat", //["images/hats/hat_elf.png"], videoAsset.hatImages, function () { api.setImageUrls( //load mouth "mouth", mouthImage, function () { api.setGreetingMessage(videoAsset .greetings, 4.0, 0.065, "font=Open Sans;fontEffect=bold;textAlign=center;textColor=#ffffff;xPercent=0.5;yPercent=0.90;bgColor=#000000;bgAlpha=0.5;bgWidth=10.0;bgHeight=1.5;bgHeightShift=1.4" ); api.setVideoFrameOffset(videoAsset .offset); api.setScale("heads", videoAsset .headScale ); //default scale of head api.setTransY("heads", videoAsset .headTransY ); //raise head with a negative value, lower with a positive value - in pixels relative to the 1024 wide video. if (mouthImage != null) { for (i = 0; i < videoAsset .headImages.length; i++) { //api.setScale("mouth1", 0.5); //default scale of mouth images api.setTransY("mouth" + (i +1), videoAsset.mouthTransY[i]); //raise head with a negative value } } if (window.readyToPlayCallback != null) readyToPlayCallback(); var imgloaded = setInterval(() => { if(endImgLoaded === 1 && housepartyactive !== 1){ clearInterval(imgloaded); $('#sharepopeventstop,#downloadPopEventstop,#getnftModal,#elfai-logo-main').removeClass('sharingdisable'); if(document.getElementById('VideoDiv') !== null && document.getElementById('video-loading') !== null) { document.getElementById("VideoDiv").style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display = 'none'; } } }, 100); // if(!mobileAndTabletcheck() && setAutoPlay) { if (setAutoPlay) { //; if (videoAsset.videoId === "1" || videoAsset.videoId === "5") skip(1); else skip(0); if( housepartyactive !== 1){ var promise =; } if (promise !== undefined) { promise.then(function (_) { // Autoplay started! document .getElementById( "video-loading" ).style .display = 'none'; try { document .getElementById( "video-external-play" ) .style .display = 'none'; } catch (e) { } }).catch(function ( error) { // Autoplay was prevented. // Show a "Play" button so that user can start playback. if(document.getElementById('poster-outer') !== null && document.getElementById('buttonDiv') !== null){ document.getElementById('poster-outer').style.display = "block"; document.getElementById('buttonDiv').style.visibility = "hidden"; } if(document.getElementById('video-loading') !== null) { document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display ='none'; } try { if(document.getElementById('video-external-play') !== null) { document.getElementById("video-external-play").style.display ='block'; } pauseOrPlay(); } catch (e) { } //pauseOrPlay(); try { let image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = socialImage; = "100%"; = "absolute"; = "1"; let buttonDiv = document.getElementById("buttonDiv"); //buttonDiv.after(image); } catch (e) { if (window.console) { console.log( 'Failed to show poster image' ); } } }); } } if (!setAutoPlay) { if (videoAsset.videoId === "1" || videoAsset.videoId === "5") skip(1); else skip(0); } if(housepartyactive === 0) pauseOrPlay(); }, function (url, error) { if (window.console) { console.log(url + " " + error); } }, filterString ); }, function (url, error) { if (window.console) { console.log(url + " " + error); } }, filterString ); }, function (url, error) { if (window.console) { console.log(url + " " + error); } }, filterString ); }, function (url, error) { if (window.console) { console.log(url + " " + error); } }, filterString ); }, function (url, error) { if (window.console) { console.log(error); } } ); }, function (url, error) { if (window.console) { console.log(error); } } ); } } var incDigit = 0 // video controls function pauseOrPlay() { if (playingVideoElement != null) { if (playingVideoElement.paused) { try { if(document.getElementById('pauseOrPlay') !== null && document.getElementById("playOrPause") !== null) { document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("playOrPause").style.display = "none"; } } catch (e) { } var promise1 =; if (promise1 !== undefined) { promise1.then(function (_) { $('#playButton').hide(); if(document.getElementById('pauseOrPlay') !== null && document.getElementById("playOrPause") !== null) { document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("playOrPause").style.display = "block"; } }).catch(function (error) { // Autoplay was prevented. // Show a "Play" button so that user can start playback. $('#playButton').show(); if(document.getElementById('poster-outer') !== null && document.getElementById('buttonDiv') !== null){ document.getElementById('poster-outer').style.display = "block"; document.getElementById('buttonDiv').style.visibility = "hidden";} try { //embed code function called. pauseorPlay(); } catch (e) { if (window.console) { console.log("Error: ", e.message); } } }); } } else { try { if(document.getElementById('pauseOrPlay') !== null && document.getElementById("playOrPause") !== null) { document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("playOrPause").style.display = "none"; } } catch (e) { } playingVideoElement.pause(); } } } var maskShowing = 0; function showMask2() { maskShowing = api.debug_showMask2(maskShowing + 1); } function incMaxEdges(inc) { api.debug_incMaxEdges(inc); } function incMaxShapes(inc) { api.debug_incMaxShapes(inc); } function nextMaskFrame(inc) { api.debug_getNextMaskFrame(inc); } function fullScreen() { if (playingVideoElement != null) { } } //1 fullscreen, 2 fullbrowser, 0 regular brwoser function isFullScreen() { if (api == null) return 0; return api.isFullScreen(); } function toggleCopyVideo() { copyVideo = !copyVideo; api.setCopyVideo(copyVideo); } function launchIntoFullscreenE() { var isFull = $("#fullscreen").attr("is-full"); if (isFull == 1) { $("#VideoDiv").css({ "width": '680px', "height": '382px' }); isFullScreen = true; api.toFullScreen(0); $("#fullscreen").attr("is-full", 0) } else { $("#fullscreen").attr("is-full", 1) closeFullscreen(); isFullScreen = false; } } function GoInFullscreen() { if($(window).width() < $(window).height()){ var cWidth = $(window).width(); cWidth = (cWidth*98)/100; var cHeight = cWidth / 1.78; } else{ var cHeight = $(window).height(); cHeight = (cHeight*98)/100; var cWidth = cHeight * 1.78; $('.replace_video_here').css({ 'top':'0' }) } $('#custom-footer').hide(); $('.replace_video_here').css({ 'position':'fixed', 'left':'0.5%', 'width':cWidth, 'height':cHeight, 'z-index':'9' }) $(".forCreateYourOwn").css({ "width": cWidth, "height": cHeight }); } function enterIosSafariFullScreen(){ if($(window).width() < $(window).height()){ var cWidth = $(window).width(); var cHeight = cWidth / 1.78; var laftCss = '0'; } else{ var cHeight = $(window).height(); var cWidth = cHeight * 1.78; $('.replace_video_here').css({ 'top':'1%' }) var laftCss = ($(window).width()-cWidth)/2+'px' } $('#custom-footer').hide(); $('.replace_video_here').css({ 'position':'fixed', 'left':laftCss, 'width':cWidth, 'height':cHeight, 'z-index':'9', "border":'unset' }) $(".forCreateYourOwn").css({ "width": cWidth, "height": cHeight, }); } function exitIosSafariFullScreen(){ if($(window).width() > $(window).height()){ $('.replace_video_here').css({ 'position':'relative', 'left':'unset', 'width':'unset', 'height':'unset', 'z-index':'unset', 'top':'unset', "border":'3px solid #fff' }) $('#custom-footer').show(); $(".forCreateYourOwn").css({ "width": $('.create-own-video-content').width()-6, "height": ($('.create-own-video-content').width()-6)/1.78 }); } else{ $('.replace_video_here').css({ 'position':'relative', 'left':'unset', 'width':'unset', 'height':'unset', 'z-index':'unset', 'top':'unset', "border":'3px solid #fff' }) $('#custom-footer').show(); $(".forCreateYourOwn").css({ "width": $(window).width()*0.927, "height": ($(window).width()*0.927)/1.78 }); } } function launchIntoFullscreen() { var isFull = $("#fullscreen").attr("is-full"); if (isFull == 1) { topCreateContainer = $('.createyourowncontainer').css('top'); var btnControlW = $("#buttonDiv").width(); isFullScreen = true; if(/iPhone/.test(navigator.platform)){ //enterIosSafariFullScreen(); $("#fullscreen").css("pointer-events","none"); setTimeout(() => { enterIosSafariFullScreen(); $("#fullscreen").css("pointer-events","unset"); },1100); } else{ api.toFullScreen(0); } $("#fullscreen").attr("is-full", 0) } else { setTimeout(() => { $('.createyourowncontainer').css('top', topCreateContainer); if (typeof resizing == "function") { resizing(); } }, 300); $("#fullscreen").attr("is-full", 1) if(/iPhone/.test(navigator.platform)){ exitIosSafariFullScreen(); } else{ closeFullscreen(); } isFullScreen = false; } } window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function(event) { if (typeof resizing == "function") resizing(); if (isFullScreen) { if(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(navigator.platform)){ enterIosSafariFullScreen(); setTimeout(() => { enterIosSafariFullScreen(); resizing(); },1100); } } else { if(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/.test(navigator.platform)){ exitIosSafariFullScreen(); resizing(); } } }); function closeFullscreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } } function launchIntoFullBrowser() { api.toFullScreen(2) } function exitFull() { api.toFullScreen(-1); } function muteAudio() { if (api.videoElement.muted) { api.videoElement.muted = false; $("#vol").attr("src", "../images/volume.png"); } else { api.videoElement.muted = true; $("#vol").attr("src", "../images/mute.png"); } } function closeVideo() { if (api != null) { api.closeVideo(); } playingVideoElement = null; } function dispose() { if (api != null) { api.dispose(); } api = null; } function setNoOfHeads(num) { videoAsset.noOfHeads = num; } function skip(value) { api.videoElement.currentTime += value; } function updateGreeting(greetings) { videoAsset.greetings = greetings; api.setGreetingMessage(videoAsset.greetings, 4.0, 0.065, "font=Open Sans;fontEffect=bold;textAlign=center;textColor=#ffffff;xPercent=0.5;yPercent=0.90;bgColor=#000000;bgAlpha=0.5;bgWidth=10.0;bgHeight=1.5;bgHeightShift=1.4" ); } function goToByTime(t) { api.videoElement.currentTime = t; } function restart() { if (playingVideoElement.paused) { if (videoAsset.videoId === "1") // skip(1); goToByTime(1); else // skip(0); goToByTime(0);; if(document.getElementById('pauseOrPlay') !== null && document.getElementById("playOrPause") !== null) { document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("playOrPause").style.display = "block"; } } else { goToByTime(1); } } function fineTuneHeads() { switch (parseInt(videoAsset.videoId)) { //80s case 9: switch (headImages.length) { case 1: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[ 0]]; break; case 2: // videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[1]]; videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[ 1]]; break; case 3: // videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[2]]; videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[2], headImages[2], headImages[ 1]]; break; case 4: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[2], headImages[3], headImages[ 0]]; break; } break; //Hanukka case 13: switch (headImages.length) { case 1: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[ 0]]; break; case 2: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[0], headImages[0], headImages[ 1]]; break; case 3: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[2], headImages[2], headImages[ 1]]; break; case 4: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[1], headImages[2], headImages[3], headImages[ 0]]; break; } break; //mashup case 16: switch (headImages.length) { case 1: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[0]]; break; } break; //Secret Santa case 17: switch (headImages.length) { case 1: videoAsset.headImages = [headImages[0], headImages[0]]; break; } break; } //videoAsset.noOfHeads = videoAsset.headImages.length; } function showExpired() { if(document.getElementById('VideoDiv') !== null) { document.getElementById("VideoDiv").innerHTML = ""; } try { if(document.getElementById('video-loading') !== null) { document.getElementById("video-loading").visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display = "none"; } } catch (e) { if (window.console) { console.log(e.message); } } setTimeout(removeButtonDiv(), 1000); } function removeButtonDiv() { var elementButtonDiv = document.getElementById("buttonDiv"); try { elementButtonDiv.removeAttribute("style"); } catch (e) { if (window.console) { console.log(e.message); } } try { elementButtonDiv.innerHTML = ''; } catch (e) { if (window.console) { console.log(e.message); } } try { elementButtonDiv.removeAttribute("id"); } catch (e) { if (window.console) { console.log(e.message); } } } function init() { dispose(); api = new; api.init2("VideoDiv", copyVideo); // startVideo(); //only for desktop? var inProgressTime = -1; api.videoElement.ontimeupdate = function () { // video playing runningProgress = api.videoElement.currentTime * 100 / api.videoElement.duration; if (inProgressTime > 0) { if(document.getElementById('timeBar') !== null) { document.getElementById("timeBar").style.width = runningProgress + "%"; } } if (runningProgress > 99) { if(document.getElementById('pauseOrPlay') !== null && document.getElementById("playOrPause") !== null) { document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("playOrPause").style.display = "none"; } } if (runningProgress == 100) { // when video finishes. isVideocompleted = 1; setTimeout(function () { if(isVideocompleted == 1){ $('.download-photo').css('display', 'block'); } }, 2000) } inProgressTime++; try { if(document.getElementById('currentTime') !== null && document.getElementById('totalTime') !== null) { document.getElementById("currentTime").innerHTML = api.videoElement.currentTime; document.getElementById("totalTime").innerHTML = api.videoElement.duration; } } catch (e) { } }; } function InitAndSpeedDetect(callback) { // var imageAddr = "//"; // var imageAddr = "//"; var imageAddr = "../images/bandwidth_test_image2.jpg" var downloadSize = 32159; //bytes // var downloadSize = 223941 ; var limitToDecide = 2500; //2000 kbps MeasureConnectionSpeed(); function MeasureConnectionSpeed() { var startTime, endTime; var download = new Image(); download.onload = function () { endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var duration = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; var bitsLoaded = downloadSize * 8; var speedBps = (bitsLoaded / duration).toFixed(2); var speedKbps = (speedBps / 1024).toFixed(2); if (speedKbps < limitToDecide) { hasLowRes = true; } else { hasLowRes = false; } callback("success"); } download.onerror = function (err, msg) { //hasLowRes = true; } startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var cacheBuster = "?nnn=" + startTime; download.src = imageAddr + cacheBuster; } }; function changeVideoAIStyle(index,index_style = 0,changeI = 0, firstload = 0) { index = parseInt(index); index_style = parseInt(index_style); changeI = parseInt(changeI); firstload = parseInt(firstload); // console.log('changeVideoAIStyle',index) // console.log('index_style',index_style) // console.log('changeI',changeI) // console.log('firstload',firstload) if (api != null && IsPlayeInterrupted == 0) { if( (index_style != 0) && (firstload == 1) ){ console.log('edit back') var checkAIIndex = index_style; }else{ var checkAIIndex = 0; $.each(arrayAIData, (ind_ss, val_ss) => { if( ind_ss == index ){ index_style = val_ss; checkAIIndex = val_ss; selectedAIOptionJs = val_ss; } }); } api.closeVideo(); endImgLoaded = 0; housepartyactive = 0; isVideocompleted = 0; // endImageThumb = ''; styleAIData = []; setNewVideo = []; $('#VideoDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('.download-photo').css('display', 'none'); $('#sharepopeventstop,#downloadPopEventstop,#getnftModal,#elfai-logo-main,#elfai-logo-main').addClass('sharingdisable'); if (document.getElementById("video-frame")) document.getElementById("video-frame").style.backgroundColor = '#000'; if (document.getElementById("video-loading")) document.getElementById("video-loading").style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; if (document.getElementById("video-frame")) document.getElementById("video-frame").style.display = 'table'; if (document.getElementById("video-loading")) document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display = 'table-cell'; videoAsset.videoId = index; var headCount = headImages.length; var loadList = setInterval(function () { if (Object.keys(getVideoList).length !== 0) { if ( checkNewVideo == 1 ) { var data =; if(Array.isArray({ var dataLength = data.length; } else{ var dataLength = Object.keys( } for (i = 0; i <= dataLength; i++) { if(data[i] && data[i]['is_ar'] == 0){ if (data[i]['is_new_dance'] === '1') { setNewVideo.push(data[i]['index']); } } } var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * setNewVideo.length); var randomElement = setNewVideo[randomIndex]; index = parseInt(randomElement); videoAsset.videoId = index; checkNewVideo = 2; videoNumber = index; setTimeout(function () { // console.log('videoAsset.setNewVideo',setNewVideo) // console.log('videoAsset.randomIndex',randomIndex) // console.log('videoAsset.videoId',index) $('.video-list').removeClass('videodance-activeclass'); $(".video-list[list-index='" + index + "']").addClass('videodance-activeclass'); if ($(".video-list[list-index='" + index + "']").position().top > 180) { // Calculate the new scroll position relative to the current scroll position var scrollToPosition = $(".video-list[list-index='" + index + "']").position().top + $(".video-list-main").scrollTop() - $(".video-list-main").height() / 2 + 80; console.log('manish work', scrollToPosition); // Animate the scroll within the parent div $(".video-list-main").animate({ scrollTop: scrollToPosition }, 2000); } }, 500); } var get_video_list_ai =[index].videos; for( q_ai in get_video_list_ai ){ var innerget_video_list_ai = get_video_list_ai[q_ai]; for( innerq_ai in innerget_video_list_ai ){ styleAIData.push(innerget_video_list_ai[innerq_ai].style); var setstylevar = innerget_video_list_ai[innerq_ai]; if( setstylevar == '' || setstylevar == undefined ){ setstylevar = 0; } var setnoOfHeads = parseInt(innerget_video_list_ai[innerq_ai].noOfHeads); var setstyletype = parseInt(setstylevar); if( (setnoOfHeads == headCount) && (setstyletype == index_style) ){ clearInterval(loadList); var arrJsonVideo = innerget_video_list_ai; for (key in arrJsonVideo) { arrJsonVideo[key].videoId = index; if (arrJsonVideo[key].videoId == videoAsset.videoId) { videoAsset.videoIndex = key; videoAsset.videoURLLowRes = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURLLowRes; arrJsonVideoGlobal = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex]; videoAsset.videoURLHighRes = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; videoAsset.videoURL = hasLowRes ? arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURLLowRes : arrJsonVideo[ videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; videoAsset.trackingXML = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].trackingXml; videoAsset.offset = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].offset; videoAsset.headScale = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].scale; videoAsset.headImages = headImages; if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].poster_image == "" || arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].poster_image == null) { endImgLoaded = 1; } else{ endImgLoaded = 1; } videoAsset.hatImages = []; if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1.length > 0) { var hatImg = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1; hatImg = hatImg.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.hatImages.push(hatImg); } if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2.length > 0) { var hatImg = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2; hatImg = hatImg.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.hatImages.push(hatImg); } var videoURLLowRes = videoAsset.videoURLLowRes; var videoURLHighRes = videoAsset.videoURLHighRes; var videoURL = videoAsset.videoURL; var trackingXML = videoAsset.trackingXML; videoAsset.videoURLLowRes = videoURLLowRes.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.videoURLHighRes = videoURLHighRes.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.videoURL = videoURL.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.trackingXML = trackingXML.replace("http://", "https://"); } } // console.log('videoAsset',videoAsset) startVideo(); } } } if( changeI == 0 ){ styleAIData = [ Map( => [JSON.stringify(entry), entry])).values()]; var html_append_style = ''; var errorImg = base_url+'/images/square_ai_img.png'; $.each(styleAIData, (ind_s, val_s) => { html_append_style += '


'; if( (index_style != 0) && (firstload == 1) ){ if( == checkAIIndex ){ var text_ai_select =, 13); html_append_style += ''; $('.ai-inner-image .inner-btn-text .inner-section-img').attr('src',val_s.thumb); $('.ai-inner-image .inner-btn-text p').html(text_ai_select); } }else{ if( ind_s == checkAIIndex ){ var text_ai_select =, 13); html_append_style += ''; $('.ai-inner-image .inner-btn-text .inner-section-img').attr('src',val_s.thumb); $('.ai-inner-image .inner-btn-text p').html(text_ai_select); } } html_append_style += '
'; }); $('.model-section-inline').html(html_append_style); } } }, 100); } } function changeVideo(index) { // console.log('changeVideo',index) if (api != null && IsPlayeInterrupted == 0) { api.closeVideo(); endImgLoaded = 0; housepartyactive = 0; isVideocompleted = 0; // var DivId = 'video-list' + (parseInt(index) + 1) // document.getElementById(DivId).classList.add("videodance-activeclass"); // endImageThumb = ''; //localStorage.setItem('thumbnail', '') // document.getElementById("VideoDiv").style.display = 'none'; $('#VideoDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('.download-photo').css('display', 'none'); $('#sharepopeventstop,#downloadPopEventstop,#getnftModal,#elfai-logo-main').addClass('sharingdisable'); if (document.getElementById("video-frame")) document.getElementById("video-frame").style.backgroundColor = '#000'; if (document.getElementById("video-loading")) document.getElementById("video-loading").style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; if (document.getElementById("video-frame")) document.getElementById("video-frame").style.display = 'table'; if (document.getElementById("video-loading")) document.getElementById("video-loading").style.display = 'table-cell'; //document.getElementById("pauseOrPlay").src = "../images/play.png"; videoAsset.videoId = index; var headCount = headImages.length; var loadList = setInterval(function () { if (Object.keys(getVideoList).length !== 0) { clearInterval(loadList); var arrJsonVideo =[index].videos[headCount - 1]; for (key in arrJsonVideo) { arrJsonVideo[key].videoId = index; if (arrJsonVideo[key].videoId == videoAsset.videoId) { videoAsset.videoIndex = key; //Below code for low resoulution check. videoAsset.videoURLLowRes = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURLLowRes; arrJsonVideoGlobal = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex]; videoAsset.videoURLHighRes = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; videoAsset.videoURL = hasLowRes ? arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURLLowRes : arrJsonVideo[ videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; //videoAsset.videoURL = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; videoAsset.trackingXML = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].trackingXml; videoAsset.offset = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].offset; videoAsset.headScale = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].scale; //videoAsset.scale = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].scale; videoAsset.headImages = headImages; if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].poster_image == "" || arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].poster_image == null) { endImgLoaded = 1; } else{ endImgLoaded = 1; /* var endCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var endCtx = endCanvas.getContext('2d'); var endImg = new Image(); endImg.crossOrigin="anonymous"; endImg.onload = function () { endCanvas.width = endImg.width; endCanvas.height = endImg.height; endCtx.drawImage(endImg, 0, 0); endImgLoaded = 1; if(document.getElementById('endImg') !== null) { document.getElementById('endImg').src = endCanvas.toDataURL(); } } endImg.src = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].poster_image; */ } videoAsset.hatImages = []; if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1.length > 0) { var hatImg = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1; hatImg = hatImg.replace("http://", "https://"); //videoAsset.hatImages.push(arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1); videoAsset.hatImages.push(hatImg); } if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2.length > 0) { var hatImg = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2; hatImg = hatImg.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.hatImages.push(hatImg); //videoAsset.hatImages.push(arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2); } var videoURLLowRes = videoAsset.videoURLLowRes; var videoURLHighRes = videoAsset.videoURLHighRes; var videoURL = videoAsset.videoURL; var trackingXML = videoAsset.trackingXML; videoAsset.videoURLLowRes = videoURLLowRes.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.videoURLHighRes = videoURLHighRes.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.videoURL = videoURL.replace("http://", "https://"); videoAsset.trackingXML = trackingXML.replace("http://", "https://"); } } startVideo(); } }, 100); } } function showMask() { videoAsset.maskShowing = api.debug_showMask(!videoAsset.maskShowing); } function editVideo(videoId, headImages, bgImages, greetings, mouthTransY, setAutoPlayFlag) { if (isAppExpired) return showExpired(); setAutoPlay = setAutoPlayFlag || false; function elf_ajaxCall(url, params, method, callback, errorcallback) { jQuery.ajax({ type: method, enctype: 'multipart/form-data', url: url, data: params, success: function (result) { callback(result); }, error: function (e) { if (window.console) { console.log("error", e); } errorcallback(e); } }); } closeVideo(); var url = "//" + base_url + "/api/api.php?action=getVideos_v2&app_id=" + door_id; elf_ajaxCall(url, '', 'get', function (response) { if (response) { var getVideoList = response; arrJsonVideo =[videoId].videos[headImages.length - 1] videoAsset.videoId = videoId; videoAsset.headImages = window.headImages = headImages; videoAsset.noOfHeads = headImages.length; videoAsset.mouthTransY = mouthTransY; for (key in arrJsonVideo) { if (arrJsonVideo[key].videoIndex == videoAsset.videoId && arrJsonVideo[key].noOfHeads == videoAsset.noOfHeads) { videoAsset.videoIndex = key; videoAsset.videoURLLowRes = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURLLowRes; videoAsset.videoURL = videoAsset.videoURLHighRes = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex] .videoURL; //videoAsset.videoURL = hasLowRes ? arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURLLowRes : arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; //videoAsset.videoURL = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].videoURL; videoAsset.trackingXML = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].trackingXml; videoAsset.offset = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].offset; videoAsset.scale = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].scale; videoAsset.hatImages = []; if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1.length > 0) { videoAsset.hatImages.push(arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl1); } if (arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2.length > 0) { videoAsset.hatImages.push(arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].hatUrl2); } } } videoAsset.bgImages = window.bgImages = bgImages; videoAsset.greetings = window.greetings = greetings; videoAsset.offset = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].offset; videoAsset.headScale = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].scale; videoAsset.headTransY = arrJsonVideo[videoAsset.videoIndex].y; //InitAndSpeedDetect(function (res) { init(); setTimeout(function () { startVideo(); }, 1000); videoClickingEvent(); //}); } }); }